Monday, April 7, 2014

Honored To Serve

It is so easy, within our culture today, to see ourselves as entitled to a certain position or role in the church, or for that matter, any organization. But is that the desire that we should have? I think our attitude has to be one of gratitude when it comes to volunteering, especially when it comes to the church. 

Two passages that we have covered before, but never studied together, are Matthew 20:28 and Philippians 2: 1-11. Both of these passages speak to the humility that we are to have in worship arts, but I would like to look at them from a place of risk-taking this week. Please read both passages before coming this Thursday evening and watch the video blog below.

As you prepare your heart this week for worship, think about the following discussion questions:
  • What is it like to serve with someone who feels they are entitled?
  • Is there an area where I, or someone I know, feels entitled? If so, how did it manifest? Is it in my or their language, attitude, have others brought it to my attention?
  • What disciplines of the Christian faith help to combat an attitude of entitlement?
  • How is risk-taking connected to humility?

  • ORBC Worship Retreat (Updated Details)
    • ORBC will be gathering May 2-3. May 2nd from 6:30 to 8:00PM. Worship Leader Training from 9 to 4:30PM on Saturday with John Sarno. An invite will go out this week for the retreat. This is event is for everyone serving in worship arts (tech and performance) on both campuses (Seaford and Salisbury).
  • Easter Services
    • If you have not already responded to Easter Assignments, please do so. Keep in mind to reach the amount of people that the Lord is calling us to reach we will need to expand our services times for that weekend. So, in the Video Venue we will be running all 3 service times. In the Live Venue and in the Ridge we will be running all three service times and one additional Saturday services at 4:30PM (4/19).
    • Please be praying for every visitor, every person getting baptized (OVER 50), and for ever person that is struggling with inviting someone to an Easter Service. Be in prayer for Pastor Brian as he prepares to give the Gospel this week and in the weeks to come!

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